Interview with Harry Brown, trainer and leader of disciple making movements and individuals like David Watson (author of Contagious Disciplemaking), Jerry Trousdale (author of Miraculous Movements) and Richard Williams (author…
The engine behind launching a disciple making movement is the Discovery Bible Study (DBS). Hear CityTeam trainer, Dave Hunt, describe this process below.
DMM Trainers sometimes talk about what a great blessing it is to tell others about Jesus. But the GREATEST blessing, even beyond that, is... well listen to Curtis describe it…
So "What is a Church?" That's the question Curtis Sergeant tries to answer in the following video. And on Day #4 in the 30-Day Challenge, we ask that you "Make…
If we can build more disciples into true witnesses for Christ, we will build a stronger Kingdom Movement. To learn more about the concept of a Kingdom Movement, check out…
If someone were to ask you, "APEST: Which are you?" how would you answer? "APEST" is an acronym for the five gifts identified in Ephesians 4:11... Apostles Prophets Evangelists Shepherds…
This prayer wheel model will help you pray a series of five-minute prayers. It's the perfect thing if you want to grow your prayers to one hour in length.
Check out this video by a worker in Cambodia, sharing how his groups breathe in the emotions behind the Psalms as they learn to be self-feeding in the Word of…
After you cover the Day 15 challenge, you might be curious to know more about what we mean when we say the word, "disciple," and how disciple making movements are different…
I had just finished filing the paperwork for my new passport at the courthouse when I spotted my friend from high school. Surprised and curious to see him, I asked…
I'm writing as a guest on the site, anonymously, because I need to admit... it has been a long time since I have allowed myself to feel such physical hunger for…
Prayer-walking is one of my greatest passions. I've spent over 2 hours a day prayer-walking for many years. My physical therapist actually is trying to convince me to prayer-walk less…
Stop and ask yourself -- when's the last time you told someone else the story of your faith... How you came to know Christ, how He changed your life, and…
Curious about the “big picture” of how “DMM” has become such a big deal so suddenly? Would you like to catch a sweeping explanation of who has been involved in…
Throughout, we feature trainers who share and elaborate on the concepts we're presenting in the 30-Day Challenge. These trainers will help you pick up on key topics such as…
David Watson is a well-known name in DMM training circles. He has boiled down DMM to 21 key principles: Group process over individual process Prayer Scripture, by way of an inductive…
Eric D. recently wrote, "There's a kind of spiritual or heavenly economy involved in this. It's like we are breathing in, from God, receiving from Him and then obeying, internalizing…
Guest Editor Eric D. wrote, "This Discipleship process is so important, why not try to start a reproducing MAWL chain right now -- with something that is very short and…
Hear David P's experience with Multiplication below. It's a great case study of not giving up and seeing the hand of God at work in launching a disciple making movement.
Turns out that mobilizing prayer for unreached peoples, both around the block and around the world, is one of -- if not THE -- most strategic thing we can do…
What kind of person does it take to disciple people who will want to make disciples? What kind of character does it take to stand beside them? Start with prayer. Add in care.…
Throughout, we feature trainers who share and elaborate on the concepts we're presenting in the 30-Day Challenge. These trainers will help you pick up on key topics such as…
Ask God that your prayer partner... … will realize his present exalted position in Christ. Paul places the utmost importance on the child of God entering into a mature partnership…
In September, I was given the privilege to attend a training in Uganda. I, along with about 35 other workers mostly from countries in Africa, spent a little over a…
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