Back to Day 20
A Person of Peace and How to Find One
Learn who a person of peace might be and how to know when you’ve found one.
*Thank you, Zúme, for providing the videos for the 30-Day Challenge. This video is only a small part of the great training that they offer for free. If you would like to learn more about Zúme, use this link: https://Zume.Training
- Can someone who has a “bad reputation” (like the Samaritan woman or the demon-possessed man in the Gadarenes) really be a Person of Peace? Why or why not?
- What is a community or segment of society near you that seems to have little (or no) Kingdom presence? How could a Person of Peace (someone who is OPEN, HOSPITABLE, KNOWS OTHERS and SHARES) accelerate the spread of the Gospel in that community?
Action Step
- Go back to your list of 100 and add five more people, you should have 15 total now. Share the concept of the person of peace to a friend and ask them to help you pray for a person of peace on your list.
If you would like to dig deeper into this topic, please use this link to access the Zúme training website:

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