Back to Day 19
Practice Prayer Walking
Spend today’s time practicing prayer walking. Consider 5 areas of influence on which to focus prayer:
- Government
- Business and Commerce
- Education
- Communication
- Spirituality

The Revised and Enlarged Version of More Disciples (now available at Amazon) adds significant text, including Questions for Discussion. For the benefit of any who bought the "1.0" version of the…

This morning I did my SOAP study over 1 Timothy 1. My week at camp was spent studying 1 Timothy so I thought it would be a nice recap to…

David Watson is famous for urging that, when starting a disciple making movement in a new culture, one should always create lists of relevant and life-impacting scriptures for the discovery…

So, my verses are Phil 2:5-8; which speaks of having the same "mindset as Christ." The NIV used to say the that Jesus did not consider "equality with God something…

SOAPS is great. I feel like the time I put into actually writing the verses that stuck out to me it helped me to focus a lot better. Then when…

Day 20: SOAPS. I am writing this just before bed and I just finished my SOAPS bible study on Luke 6. I like this way of devotion because it provides…

What God desires, according to His Word, is that we have "expectant faith," as if we could already SEE what He's bringing about, even before it comes to pass. If we…

Today we received this question from a 30-Day Challenge Participant... "Hi! I am on day 8 of the challenge now and I had a really good experience on the prayer-walk day.…