Go to Day 2
God Uses Ordinary People
You’ll see how God uses ordinary people doing simple things to make a big impact.
*Thank you, Zúme, for providing the videos for the 30-Day Challenge. This video is only a small part of the great training that they offer for free. If you would like to learn more about Zúme, use this link: https://Zume.Training
- If Jesus intended every one of His followers to obey His Great Commission, why do so few actually make disciples?
- Is the idea that God uses ordinary people different from what you had learned or assumed was the plan?
Action Step
- Share with a friend that you are participating in the 30-Day Challenge and ask them to pray for you during the next 30 days.
If you would like to dig deeper into this topic, please use this link to access the Zúme training website: https://zume.training/god-uses-ordinary-people/

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