Back to Day 21
The Bless Prayer Pattern
Practice a simple mnemonic to remind you of ways to pray for others.
The BLESS prayer pattern gives five ways you can pray for people you meet at any time, but especially while prayer walking.
As you walk and pray, be alert for opportunities and listen for promptings by God’s Spirit to pray for individuals and groups you meet along the way.
You can say, “We’re praying for this community, is there anything in particular we can pray for you about?” Or say, “I’m praying for this area. Do you know anything in particular we should pray for?” After listening to their response you can ask about their own needs. If they share, pray for them right away. If the Lord leads, you may pray about other needs as well.
Use the word B.L.E.S.S. to help you remember 5 different ways you can pray:
- Body – health
- Labor – job and finances
- Emotional – morale
- Social – relationships
- Spiritual – knowing and loving God more
In most cases, people are grateful you care enough to pray.
If the person is not a Christian, your prayer may open the door to a spiritual conversation and an opportunity to share your story and God’s story. You can invite them to be a part of a Bible study or even host one in their home.
If the person is a Christian you can invite them to join your prayer walk or train them how they can prayer walk and use simple steps like praying for areas of influence or the B.L.E.S.S. Prayer to grow God’s family even more.
*Thank you, Zúme, for providing the videos for the 30-Day Challenge. This video is only a small part of the great training that they offer for free. If you would like to learn more about Zúme, use this link: https://Zume.Training
- What fears do you have about asking to pray for strangers? What could God say to you that would take your fears away?
- What good things could happen if you risk to pray for someone, even a stranger?
Action Step
- Spend some time praying walking using the BLESS Prayer Pattern
If you would like to dig deeper into this topic, please use this link to access the Zúme training website: