The Revised and Enlarged Version of More Disciples (now available at Amazon) adds significant text, including Questions for Discussion. For the benefit of any who bought the "1.0" version of the…
So I read the challenge to recruit another yesterday and immediately felt God lay my friend Morgan on my heart. Morgan is two years younger than I so she is…
Andrew brought Peter. Philip found Nathanael. One found a family member. One found his friend. The point -- finding Jesus was too good to keep to themselves. The same is…
Does church growth always happen in predictable patterns, along predictable lines, in predictable sequences? Not necessarily, says Curtis Sergeant, trainer in DMM principles. Nature would tend to agree. Check out the…
Throughout, we feature trainers who share and elaborate on the concepts we're presenting in the 30-Day Challenge. These trainers will help you pick up on key topics such as…
What kind of person does it take to disciple people who will want to make disciples? What kind of character does it take to stand beside them? Start with prayer. Add in care.…
If we're going to be successful at mobilizing the whole church in these DMM principles, I wonder if we're going to have to be more creative than we ever have…
Do you have a story about recruiting another 30-day Challenge participant? Did he or she agree, then come back to tell you how much he or she appreciated the process?…
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