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Simple Definition of Disciple and Church
Discover the essence of being a disciple, making a disciple, and what is the church.
*Thank you, Zúme, for providing the videos for the 30-Day Challenge. This video is only a small part of the great training that they offer for free. If you would like to learn more about Zúme, use this link: https://Zume.Training
- When you think of a church, what comes to mind?
- What’s the difference between that picture and what’s described in the video as a ‘Simple Church’?
- Which one do you think would be easier to multiply and why?
Action Step
- Ask a friend to pray that God would begin leading you to a group of five people that you could disciple.
If you would like to dig deeper into this topic, please use this link to access the Zúme training website:

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