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Today’s challenge was to begin developing an hour of prayer. My family is on vacation this week and so this morning I went out on the porch of our condo to spend some time with Jesus through my SOAP study and then reading over, meditating, and thinking about what an hour of prayer would look like integrated into my life.

Honestly, when I first saw the challenge I was like, what!? An hour of just sitting and praying that’s so long! But the more I began to look over the prayer wheel and I began to see how I could fit it into my life it became more and more doable. First of all I really like how the prayer wheel breaks up the hour into so many sections especially with sections of scripture reading and singing praise because I think that will help me hold my attention span much better. I also think that I may divide the hour up throughout my day with doing 30 min in the morning and 30 min in the evening. If you have a really crazy schedule you could even divide up the 5 min sections into different parts of your day. Something that I recently learned about at church camp was prayer postures so I think it would be neat to add these into different parts of the prayer wheel along with prayer journaling.

Today my SOAP study was over 1 Timothy 4. A favorite verse of mine from today was…

“For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.”

1 Timothy 4:10

I just like how it talks about Jesus coming to be the savior for all peoples. Jesus came to save all and he’s given us the choice to accept him as our savior or not.

Hannah Sheppeck

Author Hannah Sheppeck

Hey I'm Hannah! I'm an 18 year old getting ready to begin my freshman year of College as an Electronic Arts - Video Studies major. I love painting and being creative, playing Just Dance with my two little sisters, and eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream while having heart to hearts with my friends. I'm passionate about advancing the Gospel and sharing the love of Christ. I believe we all have a part to play in the Great Commission now matter how young, old, or inadequate we all might be and I'm excited to begin this disciple making journey!

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