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The More Disciples Podcast | Episode 7

Have you ever found yourself wondering how to multiply disciples in our modern era? Oklahoma city-based disciple-maker Carter Cox offers insights in a discussion on the More Disciples podcast.

Diving Deeper into Discipleship

In conversation with Dori Yuen, Doug Lucas, John Heerema, and Lee Wood, Carter navigates a journey that commences with personal battles, leads to a deeper understanding of Jesus, and concludes with a life committed to discipleship.

His path starts in his very religious home, but it wasn’t until he faced personal struggles that he started taking ‘hard chases’ after Jesus. This journey started with a small group of believer friends, growing to a household resonating with the faith.

Overcoming the Fear of Change

Carter faced numerous ‘stuckages,’ or barriers, in his journey. Existing Christians expressed fear about moving away from traditional church activities, while the younger Gen Z believers found themselves paralyzed by indecision and fear of commitment.

To overcome these barriers, Carter presents the airplane model, combining passion (thrust) and structure (vector), showing the importance of commitment, faithfulness, and openness towards training.

Balancing Professional and Spiritual Life

A question often raised in the realm of spirituality is about balancing work and faith-related activities. Carter, who engages in a day job alongside his discipleship commitments, presents a model that proves balance is possible. For him, whether it’s his nine-to-five job or maintaining relations with supporters while fundraising, it’s all part of the work.

A Network of Shared Vision

As the conversation concluded, Carter acknowledged the growth of movement pockets and added that the much-needed connection between them is a work in progress. The future of this shared vision hinges on constant communication, fostering a common language, and making shared efforts.

In essence, Carter unveiled the complexities and nuances of sustaining discipleship commitments in today’s world—a pursuit of Jesus within everyone’s unique capacity.

JC Williams

Author JC Williams

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