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The More Disciples Podcast | Episode 3

Imagine venturing to Wuhan, China, with your family for mission work, expecting to be there for the next twenty-five years, and all of a sudden, the city goes into lockdown. This was the unexpected journey of Grant Foard, an ordinary man whose life story captures the extraordinary work of God in disciple-making across borders.

A Journey of Faith

In a recent episode of More Disciples Podcast, Grant shared his journey – going from China and returning to the U.S in 2020 when the pandemic hit. With a heart full of questions but brimming with faith, Foard and his family forged ahead. They began to equip as many people as they could in the ways of making disciples who make more disciples, fostering simple, sustainable patterns. Through local and online sessions via Zoom, Grant started inspiring many to pursue a life of discipleship.

The Impactful Work of Discipleship

Grant’s work extended beyond training – to action. Soon after their return, he started working with a local congregation as their discipleship pastor. Not only did he train believers to multiply disciples, but he also embarked on the journey of shepherding and being there for his congregation in the long-term.

One of the notable transformations was a lady he met while in Wuhan, who went from a non-believer to a fervent follower of Christ through their interactions. This transformation spoke not just about faith but also about the compassion and patience that foster holistic discipleship.

Multiplying Disciples Through Church Groups

On the formation of church groups, Grant emphasized the importance of letting groups operate as they wish, bounded by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. His method involves identifying leaders within these groups and empowering them to start and lead their congregations – promoting an organic spread of gospel-centered communities globally.

The Power of Simple Patterns

Whether in Wuhan or Kansas City, Grant demonstrated how simple patterns of discipleship can bear much fruit. His heart’s desire is to see the rise of men who would become dangerous disciple-makers and authentic prayer warriors.

Final Thoughts

In living his life mission, Grant has shown us that making and multiplying disciples is not confined within a church, a city, or a country. It’s about imparting the love of God and steering people towards the path of discipleship – to make more disciples who will, in turn, do the same. It’s a ripple effect that spans the globe, bringing together a universe of believers united in faith and dedicated to doing more for His Kingdom!

More Disciples

Author More Disciples

Every passionate follower of Jesus has a deep desire to share their faith with others. How do we make and multiply disciples around the block and around the world? How do we do it at a rate that can compete with population growth, a growing secular culture, and 40% of the world considered completely unreached? With hosts, Doug Lucas of Team Expansion, Lee Wood of 1Body Church, John Heerema of Biglife, Dori Yuen of Channel Network and special guests from around the world, we’ll explore how believers can come together to make More Disciples.

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