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David Garrison has said, “T4T is the most powerful church-plnating tool in the world.” He made this observation after seeing the tool at work in his own ministry in India. He has also conducted some 1000+ interviews in over 40 countries all over the world in his church planting research. He literally “wrote the book” on “Church Planting Movements” (that’s the title, by the way) AND his most recent work, “A Wind in the House of Islam,” reinforced the conclusion, even among Muslims.

So what exactly IS T4T? You can learn a lot by visiting the T4TOnline website. But we’ll admit, getting your arms around the whole T4T vision is a bit like figuring out “what is DMM.” The truth is, they’re kind of the same, when you get down to it. Those closest to Ying Kai (the man who has inspired the T4T vision) have observed that his work and his understanding of T4T began in a training session on DMM by Curtis Sergeant.

Watch the complete video archive of the webinar that featured David Garrison talking about T4T. Here’s a copy of the Powerpoint for that webinar and the Notes in PDF form.

Doug Lucas

Author Doug Lucas

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