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I love the one anothers on the sheet.  Too many times we think our relationship with Christ is this individual thing.  I feel like when we have true community with others where we love one another and serve one another and help make each other better that is what Christianity is about.  When I have surrounded myself with people who have different gifts and we have all recognized them and encouraged them, we have all grown.  
Our “One anothers” we do in our faith right now is just in Church in a big group.  I feel like we need to get small and intentional again with our “One Anothers” in smaller groups who are on mission together so we can go a lot deeper instead of so wide. How many people do we truly know…I mean actually know deeply…not just know about.  I believe God is calling us all back to intentional community to help reveal to the world what Christian love looks like.

Justin Schuiteman

Author Justin Schuiteman

I am first of all a Jesus follower who is passionate about reaching the unreached, discipleship, and helping the hurting. I have an amazing wife, who is my best friend, and 4 children 4, 7, 13, & 14. 8 years ago God got a hold of us and life has not been the same since!

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