Day 18. Practice Telling Your Story. Whew! I joked today with the student intern that is with me right now that she came just at the right time to observe lots of IEP meetings, because it is meeting season! There are 3 1/2 weeks of school left (can I get a woot! woot!) and we are up to our eyeballs in paperwork and meetings that need to be done, on top of regular speech therapy sessions. Today I got to work early to prepare for a meeting before work, completed a meeting during my lunch, and then rushed home to meet with our foster boys’ caseworker after work. When my husband asked what was for dinner I joked “chips and ice cream!” Luckily, he is amazing and made dinner for us 🙂
I did take time this morning, however, to sort through my list of 25 people. I have decided on 4 that I would like to practice my testimony with. I wanted some “safe” practices (insert people who have been a part of bible studies with me in the past) and at least 1 to be someone who doesn’t follow Jesus. I did get 2 meetings scheduled, though one is with my sister during a skype date we already set, so I’m not sure whether that counts. I am planning to spend more time tomorrow delving into who my last person could be and getting appointments set up with the other people. I do really appreciate this challenge though, because it forces you to go out of your comfort zone and share your story.