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The More Disciples Podcast | Episode 21


As the “More Disciples” podcast reaches its season finale, we take a moment to celebrate the incredible journey we’ve shared. From thought-provoking conversations to inspiring testimonies, this season has been a testament to the power of discipleship.

Highlights Worth Celebrating:

Throughout the season, we’ve explored a range of topics and heard from diverse guests. From discussions on intimacy with God to insights on unity and different perspectives, each episode offered valuable lessons and perspectives.

Lessons Learned and Personal Impact:

The personal stories shared by our guests reminded us of the importance of resilience and perseverance in discipleship. We learned that the journey is not always smooth, but it is worth the effort to count the cost and remain committed.

The Power of Connection and Collaboration:

The podcast fostered connections and a sense of unity among listeners. We celebrated the diversity of voices and the impact of genuine relationships in our discipleship journey.

Moving Forward with Hope:

While the podcast’s reach may be limited, we remain hopeful that even touching one person can spark transformation. Each reader is encouraged to apply the transformative concepts from the episodes, knowing that they have the power to influence their community.


We extend our gratitude to all the hosts and guests who contributed to this season’s success. The journey of discipleship continues beyond the podcast, and we invite you to share your stories and explore additional resources on the “More Disciples” website.

Share your stories:

Tell us about your discipleship journey, challenges, successes, and questions at MOREDISCIPLES.COM/contact. To access resources and tools for discipleship growth, visit MOREDISCIPLES.COM.

Let’s celebrate together as we reflect on the incredible journey of discipleship and make an impact around the block and around the world.

More Disciples

Author More Disciples

Every passionate follower of Jesus has a deep desire to share their faith with others. How do we make and multiply disciples around the block and around the world? How do we do it at a rate that can compete with population growth, a growing secular culture, and 40% of the world considered completely unreached? With hosts, Doug Lucas of Team Expansion, Lee Wood of 1Body Church, John Heerema of Biglife, Dori Yuen of Channel Network and special guests from around the world, we’ll explore how believers can come together to make More Disciples.

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