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The More Disciples Podcast | Episode 20

In the More Disciples podcast, our hosts spark a riveting conversation with Leslie and Chad Seagraves, co-founders of ’10 40 Connections.’ The conversation centered around facilitating and fostering the active participation of women in discipleship.

The Power of Women in Discipleship

The Seagraves are all about inclusivity concerning discipleship. They’ve witnessed firsthand how women can change the scope of discipleship initiatives. Chad describes their local and international work, creating discipleship groups in high schools and carrying out evangelistic work through their young daughter. Leslie and Chad’s mission involve breaking from the traditionally rigid structure of church leadership, letting their disciples learn and deposit what they’ve learned into others.

Discipleship: A Responsibility for All

Looking at women’s discipleship through the lens of biblical theology, the Seagraves focus on the kingdom values and God’s redemption of the relationship between man and woman. They believe in the transformation brought about by following God-prescribed strategies, not cultural preferences. To them, both genders should rightly use their gifts for discipleship.


Straying from the traditional norms, Chad and Leslie advocate for a discipleship model where everyone, regardless of their gender, is involved in executing God’s work. This conversation sheds light on the crucial role women can play in the journey of discipleship, urging communities worldwide to step up and serve “shoulder to shoulder.”

JC Williams

Author JC Williams

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