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Guest Editor Eric D. wrote, “This Discipleship process is so important, why not try to start a reproducing MAWL chain right now — with something that is very short and easy to do, from memory — no paper, no notes, no props.

“What will you use?  Perhaps the BLESS prayer?
Or to quote a verse John 14:6, or Romans 6:23, or John 3:3?
Or to do a very abbreviated yet simple Gospel presentation?

  • God created the world perfect and man in His image.
  • Man disobeyed and caused separation from God.
  • Jesus died and paid the penalty for man’s sin.
  • He was buried and God accepted his sacrifice.
  • God raised Jesus from the dead as Lord and Christ.
  • This good news is the power of God to salvation to everyone who believes.
  • He forgives us of our sin and gives us the Holy Spirit within and adds us to His family again.

Or perhaps something you already know from one of the first 26 days. How would this work? What would disciples do if they wanted to simulate this process in a “practice mode?”

  • They go find a person and MODEL for that person whatever the “tool is”.
  • Then they challenge that person to do it for someone else immediately and they offer to go along and assist them as the other person MODELS.   Before they go to do it, the first person has the second person practice to make sure he/she has it down correctly. Then prays for him/her.
  • Then the two of them go and the second person finds third person and MODELS while first person ASSISTS if needed. And of course after MODELING the second person challenges third person to go MODEL for a 4th person, and the 2nd person offers to ASSIST while 3rd person MODELS, and the first person will stay with them and WATCH (which is assisting the assister) .  Before they go do it, the 2nd person will have third person practice to make sure he/she has it down and pray with him/her.  Then the three of them are off to find the fourth person for the last transfer in the first 4 generation MAWLL stream.
  • If it transfers successfully, the original person encourages all of them to keep it going, while he/she LEAVES to go LAUNCH a second stream and reminds the 2nd person that once he/she has WATCHED then he/she can also go start another “MAWLL” stream.

At the end of the day, we are challenging true followers to make room for 7 hours a week in their lives for making disciples who make disciples — for catalyzing a disciple making movement (DMM).

1. Do CHAT. (1 hour)
2. Do 3/3rds Group. (3 hours)
3. Model/Assist (train) someone outside of your 3/3rds group to start a 3/3rds Group. (2 hours)
4. WATCH (coach/encourage) those who have successfully started 3/3rds Groups. (1 hour)

(Of course, that time above does not include daily/personal bible reading, prayer and sharing testimony and Gospel except when it is necessary to Model/Assist to someone so they can know how to do those things.)

Imagine a public park or a school or a MAWLing in a MALL?
How about at a work place?
How long will it take to reach 10 people? 100 people?
How many MAWL streams?
It would be awesome to hear back from you to see what happened.”


(Thanks for the post, Eric!)

Doug Lucas

Author Doug Lucas

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