Day 8: Get Coaching. Today’s challenge is to contact your prayer partner. It was ironic that this was the challenge for today, because my prayer partner actually contacted me yesterday just to check in and see how things were going. But, I went ahead and attempted to contact her today as well to talk more about my experiences. However, my prayer partner works long hours as a nurse, so I am still waiting on her call after her shift. Since it is getting late and I am close to getting ready to go to bed, I may have to catch up with her on a deeper level another day. I have learned so much from this experience. One of the greatest tools I feel it has given me is the prayer calendar that we made earlier this week. Each day when I contact the person I am praying for that day, I have been responded to with “Well, the timing of this is quite ironic…here is what I am currently dealing with…” I have loved being able to connect with people in this way. It’s amazing how we get so busy and miss out on things happening in other peoples’ lives…even some of our closest friends. I have loved being able to let them know that I care about them and that they matter to me and to God.
Again, if you didn’t watch the video for today, please go back and do so. I loved the points he made about accountability. Accountability is something that is so needed in our walk with God, and it is something that is so often left out of our walk with God. I think most people have good intentions. I know that I have had good intentions to stop doing something I know I shouldn’t do or start doing something that I should, but after a few days or weeks it is easy to fall into old habits. I will admit that if I didn’t have the accountability of my prayer partner and the person that I recruited (and writing this blog, haha!!) I might not be doing as well with this challenge. There have been days where I have been tired and it would have been much easier to say, “whew, I am tired. I think I will just go to bed a little earlier tonight instead of taking the time to be intentional in my relationships with people and my relationship with God.” And we’re only on day 8!
Another thing I did today was take the time to check in with the person that I recruited. I know it’s not part of the challenge for today, but I felt that it was a good time to check in and make sure that she was doing okay with the challenge too and let her know that I am praying for her. It is so refreshing to be surrounded by so many people working towards one goal. You are truly not alone in this journey to make disciples!