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The More Disciples Podcast | Episode 18

With tools of communication expanding and networks diversifying, the dynamics of disciple multiplication are transforming. Strategies that encapsulate contemporary means of communication such as social media marketing and digital content are proving to be effective ways to identify spiritual seekers and initiate conversations with them. This paradigm shift is the topic of discussion on an episode of the More Disciples Podcast.

Digitally Connecting Disciples Around the World

The podcast brings together like-minded co-laborers from across the United States and the world. The aim is to explore how believers can utilize media to bolster disciple multiplication.

Harnessing Media Creativity for Christ

To amplify engagement, the collective digs into the importance of developing dynamic and relatable digital content, leveraging platforms that resonate with the target demographics. Innovative approaches, such as leveraging TikTok for sharing testimonies of faith or strategically sharing religious content across Facebook groups, exemplify how the right blend of digital tools can generate significant responses.

Building Disciple Coalitions for the Future

What surfaces during this discussion is the essentiality of building coalitions, creating bridges between people eager to use new methods to further disciple multiplication. Chris Villwock shares how drawing new contacts to Disciple Tools and dispatching them to on-the-ground workers opens up pathways to ground-level mentoring and discipleship.

Conclusion: Finding the Seekers Amidst the Noise

In conclusion, facilitating this shift, from traditional methods to digitally inclusive strategies, depends on an adaptable mindset and a readiness to invest time. Above all, it’s about filtering through the digital noise to find those two and a half percent of the population that are spiritual seekers. As Doug Lucas posits, using media for evangelism isn’t about sparking debates or confrontations—it’s about reaching out to those who are waiting to be introduced to Christ’s life-changing love. This podcast episode proves that amid significant challenges, embracing digital literacy can prove instrumental in the disciple-making mission.

More Disciples

Author More Disciples

Every passionate follower of Jesus has a deep desire to share their faith with others. How do we make and multiply disciples around the block and around the world? How do we do it at a rate that can compete with population growth, a growing secular culture, and 40% of the world considered completely unreached? With hosts, Doug Lucas of Team Expansion, Lee Wood of 1Body Church, John Heerema of Biglife, Dori Yuen of Channel Network and special guests from around the world, we’ll explore how believers can come together to make More Disciples.

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