I’m amazed that many Christians have no non-Kingdom relationships. All their friendships are with Christians. Similar to some horses, it’s like they are living life with blinders on, only able to see straight ahead. As a pastor, this can be especially true. That’s why I do a few intentional things: 1) Bathe all the following in prayer; 2) Brenda and I prayer walk in our neighborhood, asking the Lord to open doors (literally, not just metaphorically); 3) I joined a weekly golf league last year, and even go into the clubhouse bar after the round. Hey, you’ve got to go where the people are! But, here’s the point, unless you schedule the time (that is, make the time), intentional encounters won’t ever happen. Then, to take these encounters to the next level you’ll be showing you care by asking questions and really listening. This will open the door for prayer and maybe even sharing your testimony (the 2-minute version). Yes, I pray for open doors, open hearts and straight drives!
So true! Great encouragement, Dave! 🙂