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Today’s challenge was to read over the scriptures that talk about the body of Christ and how we should treat each other and reflect how you can live that out in your own life. It was a neat day for this to be the challenge on today because we are vacationing in Branson, MO where my dear friend and sister in Christ, Bailey, recently moved to attend College of the Ozarks and today I was able to meet up with her! It was just a fun time of fellowship to catch up and see how she was doing. She is super close with her family so her first week of living at college has been kind of hard. I enjoyed just listening to her and loving on her as she talked about her recent transition.

Today my SOAP was over 1 Timothy 5 and also talked about how we should treat people other people. It talks about treating older men as fathers, younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters with all purity. Also, it discusses how we should care for others in our households and in the church.

Hannah Sheppeck

Author Hannah Sheppeck

Hey I'm Hannah! I'm an 18 year old getting ready to begin my freshman year of College as an Electronic Arts - Video Studies major. I love painting and being creative, playing Just Dance with my two little sisters, and eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream while having heart to hearts with my friends. I'm passionate about advancing the Gospel and sharing the love of Christ. I believe we all have a part to play in the Great Commission now matter how young, old, or inadequate we all might be and I'm excited to begin this disciple making journey!

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